Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Straight from the Book

This week something monumental happened. While waiting for the sink in the bathroom at job-job I identified my two greatest pet peeves. Today at She Sure is Sketchy I share the first. 

#1 - I hate when someone doesn't know I am being funny. Seriously. I loathe this. I despise when my joke goes over some body's head and they catch a wisp of it. I feel icky when they make a lower/more obvious version of it for the masses. (This is in no way attached to my hilarity process with most of my friends, where we spitball off each other's funnies TMNT style)

Coming to this revelation reminded me of an experience I had on opposite day six months ago. During a Women in Animation panel at my Alma Mater I got a full room of seemingly shy people ear/side splitting and busting guts during a panel discussion. Someone asked me where I get my best ideas. I blinked twice and then, in earnest, said, 'from my sketchbook'.

Seriously though guys. Seriously?

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